With tears in my eyes, I'm posting my RAoK today. My husband and I were in Reno this weekend and on our way home, we swerved to follow a yard sale sign. Lol The signs led us a good five minutes off our path, up hills, and three round abouts... and FINALLY we found the huge sale. Lots of baby/kid stuff that we didn't need, but then we found the refreshments. Three little boys accepting donations for their 8-year-old friend who just received a kidney transplant. 8 years old! My heart warmed at these three super heroes. I told them how proud I was that they were helping a friend. I told them they were my super heroes and their faces just lit up. Needless to say we paid quite a bit for a bottle of water and cookie. I then proceeded to tell the moms how proud I am of them for teaching their kids such kindness. Happy Birthday Eddie. You are a gift to us all.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Hey! It's Eddie
Hey, just wanted to check in with a current raok of my own. A fella promo colleague of mine who I've never met in person was coming into town for a trade show this past week and was inquiring about affordable lodging. Well, nothing more affordable then free so I spent 3 days cleaning the house and still didn't get the spare room in order so I gave him my own to stay in for 3 days. Told him my home is yours. He was shocked at the kindness and the hospitality. I just told him we need more of the world's people to start thinking and acting like that and our world will be a much better place.
"Give and it will come back to you but give not beCAUSE it comes back to you.... but because it betters you"
"Give and it will come back to you but give not beCAUSE it comes back to you.... but because it betters you"
Monday, July 27, 2015
I saw a post my daughter shared on facebook about RAoKForEddie, so I decided to help someone who really needs some help. I sent a donation to the family of a little girl who has a debilitating illness. Their home needs to be renovated in order to be able to get her wheelchair from room to room so she does not have to be carried all the time. They also need many other items changed in the home just to make it more accessible for her needs. Dad works 2 jobs, and mom works part time in order to support their family which includes 3 other children too. I also made 2 dinner entree's for our neighbors who just found out that the husband has brain and lung cancer.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Homeless Share
My RAoK for the day......my meet up group Grow Kindness is going to downtown Sacramento to interact with the homeless and make conversation with them. I will also be bringing 15 bags of food and supplies to pass out. You sound like a wonderful person!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Lemonade for a Smile
We had a Lemonade Stand today with a couple of our neighborhood friends. Cost: A smile. People really wanted to give money but we simply gave them a card that said to pay it forward. We loved making people smile and still managed to get $10 in "tips". Now, we want to find the perfect someone to buy them lunch with our "tips".
Thinking of you, Uncle Eddie,
~Karli and Kassie
Thinking of you, Uncle Eddie,
~Karli and Kassie
Monday, July 13, 2015
School Supplies
This has been an RAoK for a couple of weeks and will continue until everything off the kids' supply is bought.
A friend of mine struggles financially and I told her I'd take care of buying her two older kids school supplies. I'm nearly done and I've only spent $45 for both. That's $45 the family could use to pay bills.
A friend of mine struggles financially and I told her I'd take care of buying her two older kids school supplies. I'm nearly done and I've only spent $45 for both. That's $45 the family could use to pay bills.
Friday, July 10, 2015
A Donation for Kids With Cancer
At dinner tonight at Applebee's they were raising money for kids with cancer. Had to donate for Eddie. Thanks for spreading the love.
Water in Jesus' Name
Water, this is such a simple thing yet if we can't imagine not having it. In 2010, I was blessed to fly to India on a mission trip with Gospel for Asia. We had been told about the devastation but now we saw it with our own eyes. In India, our team was shown many different areas of ministry but the one that
A Jump, Waters, Parking, Cookies, A Note, and Gas
On a very hot day I was relaxing in my air conditioned house, I could hear someone very frustrated on the other side of my fence which is a busy street. He sounded at the verge of tears. My son Jonas and I went around the house to see what was up. His car needed a jump and he was 15 miles away
Even a 100-year-old man can do a #RAoKForEddie
A neighbor of mine has been very ill and in the hospital with medical issues. His wife was over and giving me an update on his condition. She mentioned that her husband's legs were swelling with fluid
She Missed His Hugs
I was at my work, rushing around because I was behind schedule because more people than usual had ask for help when I was fixing a display. As I was quickly fixing the display, a hand came over my shoulder. Looking up, I discovered an old lady. I politely asked if she needed any help. She replied
Christmas Tips
My hubby and I have a Christmas tradition of going shopping on Christmas day just for fun. When we encounter an especially helpful clerk (usually a young person because it’s Christmas Day), we
Euros for Parking
We are in Italy right now, but thinking of you on your birthday. We were trying to make sense of a parking pay station when two women arrived and tried to use a credit card. I tried to help, but we couldn't make any sense of it. As I had some Euro coins with me, I used my coins to pay for their
Family Displaced by House Fire
My random act of kindness for Eddie came about from the result of an early morning house fire on the Fourth of July that displaced a family of seven, due illegal fireworks. The blaze started outside on the front porch of the residence and then got into the attic space, where the fire extended into the
Happy Birthday Brother!
I hope you enjoy discovering what you have unknowingly started :) I love you brother! Today we left some laundry detergent at the Laundry Mat with a RAoK card in your honor for an unsuspecting and
Gifting Him the Needed Funds for College
Hello, since hearing about this great idea from Robbi, I am excited to share my #RAokForEddie;
I was recently introduced to my longtime friend's 21 year old nephew who has no help from his parents and wants badly to go to an electronic arts college and has been saving every penny that he
I was recently introduced to my longtime friend's 21 year old nephew who has no help from his parents and wants badly to go to an electronic arts college and has been saving every penny that he
A Few #RAoKForEddie
I "liked" a page on Facebook which is about a special needs child. His mom posted a photo of the food her son eats within a month and how much it costs. He's on limited (expensive) food regiment
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Happy Birthday!!
In all of my rambling before, I forgot to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you a day filled with everything your heart desires!
<3 Cathy
<3 Cathy
A Chuckle For Your Sweet Soul
First, my RAoK for you Eddie, was singing a lullaby to my 3-1/2 year old granddaughter’s pet roly poly bug.
She was out back playing and she brought it in to me the other day because she said it was sleeping and could I watch it and sing to it. I proceeded to do as told, even though I thought the
It Felt Good to Give to Someone Who Doesn't Have Anything
Last Friday, July 3rd, my family and I were out eating lunch. Our youngest, Jacob, didn’t finish his lunch. I asked for a box so I could pack it up and take it home. Shortly before we left, my oldest,
I Feel Sooo Blessed!
Samie here again!
It’s amazing how I could feel my endorphins rise before, during, and after doing two simple #RAoKForEddie!
For this RAoK, I decided to go through the Taco Bell drive-thru after work! Purchased a drink for
It’s amazing how I could feel my endorphins rise before, during, and after doing two simple #RAoKForEddie!
For this RAoK, I decided to go through the Taco Bell drive-thru after work! Purchased a drink for
Patience and Kindness is Easy to Share
I was on a 10 hour overnight flight from California to London and I believe it was the day I heard about #RAoKForEddie. I had paid to upgrade my seat to premium economy (I never do this) in hopes
People Willingly Dove Into Their Pockets
While thrift store shopping yesterday, I noticed the reason for a quickly lengthening line. A woman at the register had rummaged through her purse several times, unable to come up with an additional 9 cents. She didn't leave the item; rather, stood firm and said, "I don't have any more money."
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
A Donation for Women and Children
Today, for Eddie, we made a donation to HEAVEN OF PEACE (Emergency Homeless Shelter for Women and Children).
~Sharon and Dean Lo
Eddie's Words
(This message has been edited for spelling and punctuation, otherwise, these are his words written on May 16, 2015.)
Why do people always try to find fault in the next person? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Does it take the attention away from their shortcomings by pointing out everyone else's?
What would happen if we all decided to say let's forget all that, let's forget the past, and let's love
Why do people always try to find fault in the next person? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Does it take the attention away from their shortcomings by pointing out everyone else's?
What would happen if we all decided to say let's forget all that, let's forget the past, and let's love
Dog Food to the Animal Shelter, and More to Come
We brought 50 pounds of dog food to the Animal Shelter. We will continue
Not One, But Three RAoK
1) Introducing two friends, one who wishes to be mentored by the other in his field of expertise; connecting people is so important.
2) Sending a reflection card to a person who was just released from hospital, frightened, and not
2) Sending a reflection card to a person who was just released from hospital, frightened, and not
Books to the Local Children's Hospice
Hi Eddie,
I admire your courage and kindness. I have just parcelled up three of my Tillie's Adventure books to
I admire your courage and kindness. I have just parcelled up three of my Tillie's Adventure books to
"I'll do anything for you momma."
My 5 year old son was taking care of my wife while she had stomach flu. This is from her:
I'm laying in bed resting and Jakey is in the room with me reading quietly. I asked him to get me
I'm laying in bed resting and Jakey is in the room with me reading quietly. I asked him to get me
Some Bills Wrapped Around a Nutrition Bar
When I deposit my monthly check into the bank, I take out some extra spending money. I change it into smaller bills and put it in an accessible place in my car along with some nutrition bars and/or fresh fruit. Whenever I see someone at a red light with a cardboard sign asking for help, I give them
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
While Waiting for the Shuttle
Hi Eddie,
I ride BART to San Francisco during the week to work and on occasion get off at Civic Center to catch the shuttle to SFGH. Several times I have stopped to grab a quick breakfast at Burger King while waiting for the shuttle and make it a habit of buying food or giving money to the homeless
I ride BART to San Francisco during the week to work and on occasion get off at Civic Center to catch the shuttle to SFGH. Several times I have stopped to grab a quick breakfast at Burger King while waiting for the shuttle and make it a habit of buying food or giving money to the homeless
For Eddie
On July 3rd, I was at the hospital with my sister who was in the ER. I had picked up sandwiches and chocolate to feed her and my mom. In the gift shop, a little boy was admiring a toy. His mom told him they had to go get her purse and come back to buy it. She asked, "Are you ready?" He replied
Take What You Need-Share What You'd Like
We love you Eddie! Made and posted at work...this sweet poster with tear off tabs. All our love.
~Samie White
Monday, July 6, 2015
Toys for a Boy
A co-worker friend of mine has a young son and as I have some toys that my son no longer plays with, I gave her a box of toys. When I saw her the next day she told me how thrilled her son was with the new toys.
~Sandra - Canada
~Sandra - Canada
She Was Doing a RAoK
Thursday, July 2nd.
I just ran into a lady in an elevator at the hospital. I told her I loved her dress. She told me it was her "caregiver" dress. Easy on, no iron... I asked her if she was visiting someone. She said yes. Her mom. Broken pelvis and arm I think. Her dad actually fell on her mom. Both were transported to the I Realized How Disrespectful I Had Just Been
One day I stopped with my mother at Subway for lunch. I noticed a homeless man sitting against the building wall in front of my car, but was in a hurry and did not feel like being approached, so I walked around the back of my car to avoid walking past him. As I got to the entrance to Subway,
His Eyes Watered
I found out about this wonderful thing you are doing through Melanie. I wanted to be a part of letting this young man know that RAoK are happening all over.
I live now in North Carolina and my name is Sharon. Melanie is my publisher.
But here it it. I was fortunate in the sense I got more then what I gave.:
I live now in North Carolina and my name is Sharon. Melanie is my publisher.
But here it it. I was fortunate in the sense I got more then what I gave.:
The Time to Take Care of Someone's Lost Phone
Hi Eddie,
My husband, Andy, and I try to be helpers when we have the opportunity. Random acts of kindness are definitely things you take the time to do in going out of your way without expecting thanks.
We had an opportunity at the dog park today (Sunday, July 5) when we noticed someone had left
We had an opportunity at the dog park today (Sunday, July 5) when we noticed someone had left
Sharing the Wealth
I take a girlfriend down to the free food give away and when we get back to her house, she gives me the things that her family can't use or won't eat and I bring it home for us. There are some things that we can't use or won't eat and my husband takes it to work with him and gives it to a coworker that is the only person working in a household of nine and they use anything and everything we give them.
A Helping Hand and Kindness
This was my husband that did this.
Was shopping and a small, elderly lady in front of me was trying to lift a watermelon out of her cart onto the grocery counter. It was too heavy and she dropped it and lost her balance and fell back against me and my cart where I kept her from hitting the ground. She was embarrassed about what happened and tried to pick up the cracked watermelon off the ground. I told her let me get that for
Was shopping and a small, elderly lady in front of me was trying to lift a watermelon out of her cart onto the grocery counter. It was too heavy and she dropped it and lost her balance and fell back against me and my cart where I kept her from hitting the ground. She was embarrassed about what happened and tried to pick up the cracked watermelon off the ground. I told her let me get that for
Bridge Toll
On our way to a wedding reception in Sacramento, we paid the bridge toll for the car behind us. Happy Birthday, Eddie!
She Volunteers to Help Others
I work at a hospital and one of the volunteers,who is an inspiration to me because she volunteers even though she has many physical disabilities, asked to borrow $10.00. She intends to pay me back. I have no intention of accepting her money. This lady should be an inspiration to us all. Even though she has multiple disabilities, she volunteers to help others.
Burger, Fries, and a Soda
Awhile back, we were at Carl's Jr waiting for our food. A young man walked in and asked what was the cheapest item on the menu. He then counted his change hoping he had the $2.00 to pay for his burger. I realize at moments like this how blessed I am. I hand the guy $5 and said, "Here, order some fries to go with that." You would think I had handed him $100. He replied, "Wow, this is my lucky
A Story of my Football Family from High School
This story is from when I was in high school. I played football and had several coaches. One coach was an unpaid volunteer. He was a 45 year old man that once played for the high school. When he was 17 years old, he was in a car accident and ended up paralyzed from the waist down, leaving him
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Paying to Forward to One Who Pays it Forward.
I got my nails done and got into deep discussions with my nail technician. We talked about how some people have angry hearts.. I agreed. We talked about how life is short, tomorrow isn't promised and it feels good to be a a happy, good person..how its sometimes a struggle to be happy, but it comes back to u, when u do good. So she continued to tell me about her 17 year old son, how he volunteers and
Friday, July 3, 2015
On the Side of the Road
It was some time back that I was driving into town when I saw, on the side of the road, a woman crying. I pulled over and asked her if she needed any help. She and her boyfriend had a fight, he pulled over, told her to get out, and threw all her belongings on the side of the road with her. I helped her load all her things into my truck and asked her where she needed to go. I drove her 40 miles to a
Uplifting Flowers
Our local grocery will be closing it's doors soon. It's been very upsetting to us, our community, and the employees who work there. I decided to bring flowers to one of our favorite cashiers who has had a particularly rough time. We will miss her and our store.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Popcorn and a Movie
We taped popcorn and money to a Redbox machine today. The girls wanted to wait and spy on who would be the lucky recipient. They were so excited to make someone's day!
~Kristi, Karli & Kassie
Everyone Deserves to be Treated Right
I am a long time friend of Eddie's and had always put him in thoughts and prayers ...
Just like Eddie, having an open mind and good heart goes along way. Not only when I see the less fortunate, I take the necessary steps to provide. Whether it's bringing back a bag full of drinks, to meals, or a blanket to somebody in the streets. Everybody deserves to be treated right and not just
Just like Eddie, having an open mind and good heart goes along way. Not only when I see the less fortunate, I take the necessary steps to provide. Whether it's bringing back a bag full of drinks, to meals, or a blanket to somebody in the streets. Everybody deserves to be treated right and not just
An Act of Kindness, Just Because
I will not name the person that helped me this morning. This morning was like all the other mornings I have had these past six months. Taking care of someone with depression gives you an array of emotions. Struggling financially plus dealing with the love of your life's depression has, at times for me, become to much to bare. A wonderful lady called me today to come by and look at a quilt she
A Key Turn of Kindness
Yesterday I watched an elderly woman unsuccessfully attempt to unlock her front door. I got out of my car and helped her unlock the door. She was so happy.
Money on Gumball Machines
The girls taped quarters on gumball machines in honor of their Uncle Eddie.
~Karli & Kassie
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Paid a Bill
Hi, today I paid the dental bill for an older lady who was clearly stressed over making the payment. The worried look on her face told me everything I needed to know. I checked with the receptionist while she was in with her dentist to find out how much it would be, decided I could afford to help her, paid the bill and left. I got a call back from the receptionist a little while later to let me know the lady was very surprised and asked her to call and thank me. :-)
The Christmas Save
Carline worked hard at her job at a manufacturing facility in a small town in the South. By end of shift every day, her fingers were sore and her body tired. Her husband was a lazy, no good; well, you get the point. He had quit his job two months before Christmas because he didn't like the way his boss talked to him. Carline wasn't surprised he quit. This had become his standard reaction to any
type of gesture that he didn't like. The concept of people having a bad day once in a while or maybe, just maybe, he wasn't perfect, never entered his mind.
type of gesture that he didn't like. The concept of people having a bad day once in a while or maybe, just maybe, he wasn't perfect, never entered his mind.
Random Coupon Giving
I just received a $10 coupon from Best Buy as a promo for their re-opening. I am going to take it down and give it to someone in the store :)
Fresh Flowers for a Neighbor
Mike took a vase with fresh flowers down to our elderly neighbor. The smile on her face was priceless!
Picture This
A guy I went to high school with saw some of my drawings on Facebook. He started a new company and asked if he could pay me to do a cartoon of him at his lake house with Snoopy in the picture. I drew his picture on my day off and mailed it to him in North Carolina for free. His company is called Happy Living and puts out only positive messages. ~Eileen |
Hugs for All
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time!
While walking around the grocery store yesterday I made sure to give everyone I encountered a big smile with a "Good Morning!"
While walking around the grocery store yesterday I made sure to give everyone I encountered a big smile with a "Good Morning!"
Groceries for a Colleague
Eddie (who I have not had the pleasure of meeting) was heavy on my mind today as I walked through the grocery store. I have a colleague who has struggled with health issues, and has had to miss a lot of time from work, unpaid, to have surgery. He eats very cheaply on what he can afford, which isn't
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Lunch for Homeless Vet
I meet my friends for lunch once or twice a week. There is a homeless Vietnam veteran who hangs out near the restaurant where I go. Every time I see him I hand him a couple of bucks and I buy him lunch. He is a good man and deserves more than just a couple of bucks and a lunch once in a while, he deserve the respect of any US Citizen he comes in contact with.
~Unc in Central California
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