Monday, July 6, 2015

The Time to Take Care of Someone's Lost Phone

Hi Eddie,

My husband, Andy, and I try to be helpers when we have the opportunity. Random acts of kindness are definitely things you take the time to do in going out of your way without expecting thanks.

We had an opportunity at the dog park today (Sunday, July 5) when we noticed someone had left
their iPhone 6 cell phone behind. That's one expensive cell phone. We wondered if the person would retrace their steps to find the phone and felt some trepidation about taking it before they had a chance to come back for it. There was also the chance that if we left it, someone with less altruistic intent would try to keep it for themselves. After some discussion, we decided we'd take it only if no one came back for it before we left the dog park and that we would take it to the Apple store to have it hopefully returned to the right owner. Happily, the owner came across us close to our car and let us know she had lost the cell phone. We gladly returned it to her, she let us know she appreciated it, and we merrily went on our way.

I'm sending my good thoughts to you and will continue to Pay it Forward. You're one special guy!
~Cathy (Mouchka) Ballantine


  1. Cathy and Andy, thank you so much for your RAoK. I do believe these acts of kindness are done frequently without even realizing how many we do because of who we are. This is exactly the kind of guy my son is. Thank you for adding to our gift to Eddie.
