First, my RAoK for you Eddie, was singing a lullaby to my 3-1/2 year old granddaughter’s pet roly poly bug.

She was out back playing and she brought it in to me the other day because she said it was sleeping and could I watch it and sing to it. I proceeded to do as told, even though I thought the
poor thing had actually rolled up and was no longer alive. I set it on the table and we forgot about that little thing for a while. When we went back to look for it, it was gone. Somewhere in my house is a very lucky little roly poly who is probably glad that I am not singing to it anymore!
On another funny note, I will share with you a random act of kindness that was done for me......
Last year I had breast cancer and had a left-side mastectomy. A couple of months later I was going to a support group meeting at Kaiser in Fremont. It was going to be a little pot luck and I didn’t have the time or energy to make something so I decided to drive through KFC for a bucket of chicken to bring. I ordered a small bucket of legs and thighs (they were the cheapest), and when I drove up to the window and paid, the young man handed me my chicken and said “I threw in a breast for you”! I thanked him and as I drove off I started laughing hysterically at what just occurred. How did that young man know that a breast is just exactly what I needed!

I laughed all the way to my meeting and shared what had happened. We all got a good chuckle out of that one. I do believe in angels.....I do believe that this young man was put there at that time to bring me a message of hope and belief. I believe that God will surround us all with loving and open arms someday. May God bless you always Eddie, and keep you safe. <3
Love & Hugs, Cathy
Thank you Cathy!
ReplyDelete...and Cathy, you are one of my angels every day! Thank you for making me laugh at this story again and know that by sharing that RAoK, you brought hope and joy to the others in your support group. Thanks for being here for not only my son, but for me too! <3