Who is Eddie?

We are sad to share the news that Eddie passed away on May 4th. Eddie's heart of gold kept him fighting longer than any of us thought possible. He is now resting peacefully and pain free with his Lord above. His love for God, his dogs, family and his many friends he called family, ran deep. He shined a light on every person he ever met. We will be holding a private family celebration of life. In honor of Eddie, we will continue shining his light by carrying it within us in our own lives. Join us by doing a Random Act of Kindness in his memory. Eddie absolutely loved to touch the lives of others. Feel free to share in Eddie's Circle of Love. May memories of Eddie make you smile and bring you comfort. Instead of being depressed, we are asking that you do what he has has always done, bring kindness and a smile to friends, family, and many, many strangers. For years, Eddie strived to perform one or more Random Acts of Kindness every day.

In a text message to his family in June 2015, he said, "My only wish, do something for someone each day you live on my behalf when I'm gone. Be it a Big Mac to a homeless person or a book for a struggling college student or a donation to the church or something. I love you all."

Help us make his wish a reality and turn his wish into his legacy.

Perform a RAoK and brighten someone’s day, and your own. Your single RAoK is actually three… one for the person you are doing it for, one for the happiness it will bring you, and one #RAoKForEddie.

What is a Random Act of Kindness? A RAoK is just that, an act of kindness done randomly. It can be anything from paying a bridge toll for the car behind you, buying a cup of coffee for a stranger, a burger for a homeless person, a flower at the grocery store that is left with the clerk to be given to the third person who comes through their line after they leave, sidewalk chalk note on your neighbors driveway thanking them for being a great neighbor, etc. A note can be left with some of the RAoK that asks them to Pay it Forward with Eddie's hashtag (#RAoKForEddie).

Please ask your friends, family, co-workers, etc., to join in this effort to perform as many RAoK for Eddie as possible. The page on this site title 'Shareables' has memes, links, etc., to assist you in publicly sharing this request on social media.

This blog existed for 10 days leading up to Eddie's birthday. In those 10 days, the blog saw more than 1,500 page loads and 49 posts. This blog will continue collecting wonderful stories for a long time. Eddie was given this site address on July 10th (Happy Birthday Eddie!) and for as long as he can, he can watch his wish, his legacy, grow.

The people behind this blog are Eddie's loving family and we thank you from deep in our hearts. If everyone approached each day with a smile while watching for an opportunity to do a RAoK like Eddie does, just think of how much our world and the people in it would benefit.

There is a page on this blog giving 101 examples of RAoK.

Send us a post describing your RAoK to either RAoKForEddie@gmail.com or RAoKForEddie.PayItForward@blogger.com
. You can include a pic if you would like. Post submissions will be reviewed to confirm content and to remove all personal and email address information not included directly in the text of the post prior to the post going live. All personal/email address information will be deleted and will forever remain confidential. Please add your city and state, or just your state or country so Eddie can see where these RAoK are happening.

If you have given or received a RAoK in the past and want to send a post about it, please do.

The ideas/RAoK that can come out of this are endless... the love this shows Eddie and our fellow man is boundless.

See all the #RAoKForEddie posts here.

"It is more blessed to give than it is to receive."
From https://www.facebook.com/JesusPainter/videos/706479766125434/


  1. This is an absolutely beautiful gift that you are providing to someone who obviously has a wonderful heart.

    1. Thank you Dr. Cohen Ho. He is a wonderful man who we all love very much.

  2. RAoK in everyone's life makes things so much more better. RAoK till the end of days.

  3. Happy happy birthday brother!!! xoxoxoxo

  4. Wow, what a wonderful person, many blessing!

  5. Wow, what a wonderful person, many blessing!
