Monday, September 28, 2015

A Bottle of Water, A Cookie, and Kindness

My RAoK for today. 
With tears in my eyes, I'm posting my RAoK today. My husband and I were in Reno this weekend and on our way home, we swerved to follow a yard sale sign. Lol The signs led us a good five minutes off our path, up hills, and three round abouts... and FINALLY we found the huge sale. Lots of baby/kid stuff that we didn't need, but then we found the refreshments. Three little boys accepting donations for their 8-year-old friend who just received a kidney transplant. 8 years old! My heart warmed at these three super heroes. I told them how proud I was that they were helping a friend. I told them they were my super heroes and their faces just lit up. Needless to say we paid quite a bit for a bottle of water and cookie. I then proceeded to tell the moms how proud I am of them for teaching their kids such kindness. Happy Birthday Eddie. You are a gift to us all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hey! It's Eddie

Hey, just wanted to check in with a current raok of my own. A fella promo colleague of mine who I've never met in person was coming into town for a trade show this past week and was inquiring about affordable lodging.  Well, nothing more affordable then free so I spent 3 days cleaning the house and still didn't get the spare room in order so I gave him my own to stay in for 3 days. Told him my home is yours. He was shocked at the kindness and the hospitality.  I just told him we need more of the world's people to start thinking and acting like that and our world will be a much better place.
"Give and it will come back to you but give not beCAUSE it comes back to you.... but because it betters you"